Thursday, May 28, 2009

The seed is planted (sort of)

We have been waiting for almost 2 months for our pre-planned flower garden to come.  Maybe we don't have the greenest thumbs, but we want to have a splendid garden, so we ordered a whole garden of plants out of a catalog.  After a couple of frustrating phone calls with the company's outsourced call center (eh hem) we finally had our plants arrive "on time" today.

Maddie spent a couple hours this evening shoving the things in the dirt.  Sure hope they grow and look beautiful!
While Maddie was cleaning up, she had me go outside and take a picture of it.  We will keep a little photo journal of the progress.  Hopefully in the future there will be more colors than just brown with specks of green......
P.S. (From Maddie)  The "blank" spots really do have plants in them.  I promise!

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