Monday, May 24, 2010

Maverick's Favorite Game

Danny has discovered just about the best thing Maverick can think of: Pat-a-Cake! He loves playing with his dad, to the point that all Danny has to say is "Wanna play pat-a-cake?" and Mav lights up, all grins and giggles! He probably laughs the hardest at this - though tickling him gets him going pretty good too ;-)

3 Months!

Our baby is already three months old. This is his exactly-three-month-old-picture, taken specifically on May 14th:

He's had a few milestones lately. First of all, he rolled over for the first time! He's been trying desperately for about a week now, but he couldn't quite get up and over his little arm. But on Saturday he pushed and pushed and finally got from his back to his tummy! He looked quite pleased with himself, as well.

Friday, the night before, Danny was going to do some laps at our local Aquatic Center, so Mav and I tagged along so he could have his first swimming experience! After the fist initial shock at being plunged chest deep in slightly-less-than-warm water, he settled in and loved it! We have a little lazy river thing that goes around a water slide and we just went around and around and he had a blast. Then I helped him float on his back and I don't think I've ever seen anyone so relaxed in a pool. I was glad to see my fears hadn't transferred to him! I hope he really loves the pool.

In his little swim trunks

This is our pool - you can see the "river" winding around the back, there.

He just couldn't stop chattering away excitedly after we got out (forgive the image quality - Danny was swimming and I was on my own for these ones!)

He finally just crashed after a little while, only to wake up again and talk all the way home! I think he had a good time

Friday, May 7, 2010