Friday, June 21, 2013

Long Belated Update

Just a quick check-in from us.  Everything is pretty much sailing along as usual.  Danny's tearing it up at Titan with his commercial division.  He feels a little too busy, sometimes, and that's a good thing.

I'm loving just chillin' at home with these two characters.  Mav is getting smarter everyday!  He can talk like a person, now, which is equally amusing and baffling, sometimes.  Other kids his age don't seem to know what to do when he walks up and says, "Hi, kid! My name is Mavy.  That's my mom, and my Messerbo.  Wanna be friends?"  Oh well, that unflagging confidence will serve him well someday, no doubt.  

Bo is right on the verge of walking - we just have to get him to let go of the table, couch, or leg that he clutches onto for support.  He's a fearless little pudge, climbing stairs (completely unsupervised, for the most part - man, this kid is fast!) and loving the thrill ride of being thrown up in the air by Mom and Dad.

Biggest news (as far as these pictures go, anyway) is that after waiting for 11 months, Bo finally has teeth!  He got the second pretty much right after the first, both on the bottom.  They're still tiny and adorable - we haven't gotten to the biting phase yet - and he's probably getting sick of me sticking my fingers in his mouth to see them "just one more time," but that's a mama's prerogative.
Clamming up for the camera.

Just can't hold back that grin!  Look!! Two teeth!!

The picture's a little blurry, but it cracks me up! Mav is always trying to carry and hug Bo, but I tend to get this "help me" look from the poor little guy more often than not.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Maverick and Gibbs' Duet

Mav is making god use of the harmonica we got for Christmas!